Letting go of my mind is THE greatest creative success

Something priceless I’ve realized over the past few years is that letting go of my mind is THE greatest creative success. 

Whether it’s me or a client I’m working with, the more we let go of resistance, judgements, labels - which are really all fear created by the mind - the more creation flows and mastery increases. 

My highest form of creative expression is in non-form. Thankfully I have work that allows me to keep exploring this. It seems that my creative expression is in curiosity and ideation. I see things that others don’t yet see. 

I bring ideas or thoughts in and then I completely let go of resistance, they reconfigure in my mind to a very clear solution, idea .... basically something that needs to come out through me to be shared with someone else. 

🔥 This is a risk to my mind. My mind is terrified of being too much. And if I be fully myself with no limits, the subconscious risk is rejection. The risk that clients or people around me will pull away from that level of creative expression. I’ll have to write more about my journey of being too much during this #100dayproject

The cool thing is that, as I allow my resistance to decrease, and I be energetically bigger, creation just happens. I am at the core (like you) creation itself. I just have to get out of the way and be gutsy enough to share what arises. And the riskier it seems to me, the more valuable it seems to be for my clients and friends 🤔 so interesting. 

What I do know is that we are all creators regardless of our roles. That is power. And when we let go of what we think we know, we create at an exponentially higher level.