Impatience, dolphins and creative magic

Patience = Presence. If I am impatient I am totally missing what is happening right now - I am in the past or in the future but not here.

If I am not present with you, if I am thinking of you last time I saw you, who I expect you to be or wishing you were different, I am actually disconnected from you and only relating with my projection of you, not who you are right now. That is creating distance between us.

If I am impatient with the creative process I am not actually seeing what is available right now - the ideas are not going to arise based on what I see right now but on what I am bringing in from the past or projecting about its future.

Creation is pretty magical. When we are present SO MANY possibilities come to exist. Presence = Magic.

Last week I was at the beach and was just sitting quietly and being present with what was happening. Available. I had the thought, "I'd like to see the dolphins" and in 4 minutes they were swimming by!!

Then later I was thinking of a teacher, I wanted to read her book and the next morning I went into the used bookstore - not even recalling my thought of this uncommon book I wanted, just being present- and in the first section I looked, there was her book!!

Patience is the willingness to be with what is here now. What don't I know? What is possible that I have not yet experienced or could not imagine before? Who is this person in front of me today? What does this project need to be spectacular?

Patience allows us space to hear the answers without reverting to doing things the same way we have done before. It allows us to be delighted and surprised by what is happening right now.