What's the Deal With ... VALUE

Join us for Episode #1 of "What's the Deal With..." Using Curiosity to Be More Powerful & Get Better Results in Life & Biz

Business Growth Strategist Amy Birks and I are curious about a LOT of stuff that typically hangs up purpose-driven founders, creative entrepreneurs, and high-achieving leaders and we have these conversations ALL THE TIME. So we decided to start recording them to share with you.

In "What's the Deal With..." we use our insatiable curiosity and uncommon approaches to life and business to explore the pitfalls and opportunities within a range of fascinating topics. In each episode you'll find thoughtful philosophies, unique tools, and a challenging invitation to get curious for yourself about how you might think and respond differently to these common experiences we run into in our entrepreneurial human journey so you can live more powerfully and get better results in life and in business.

Episode #1 - What's the Deal With... VALUE

In this episode, we're exploring the idea of "value". How do we determine what's valuable? And what are the consequences of giving things too MUCH value in our lives and businesses?

If you're a leader or an entrepreneur, you're constantly making decisions about where to put your focus - and those decisions get made based on what and how you're valuing the options in front of you.

And if you're feeling overwhelmed by all-of-the-things, or like you're out of capacity for the things that bring meaning to your life, there's a GREAT opportunity for you to look at the value you're giving all-of-the-things so you can determine if they're actually necessary... ...or if perhaps you could be operating more efficiently and effectively by valuing some of those activities a little less.

Watch the video to learn more, and to get some actionable tips for becoming more efficient with your decision making, and more present and powerful in life.