What happens when you CHOOSE fun and playfulness as primary intentions?

What happens when you CHOOSE fun and playfulness as primary intentions this week even when you suspect your “supposed” to be serious? 😜

Oh the fun police! That little voice in your head that suggests that you will only be valued, what you say will only be heard, your clients will only pay you… if you are SERIOUS.

Is that even true? In my experience the lighter I am, the more clarity I have. That means I bring more value. It means I become more attractive. It means people want to be around me. And it means I ripple good vibes out.

Recently I realized that 3 of my clients reported that they have more fun with their children since our work together. Interesting! That wasn't even in the primary intentions for our work but as a result of being more of themselves, trusting themselves they lightened up on themselves and started receiving more energy and joy from more sources around them. 

The fun police are a real thing! We limit how much fun and joy we allow ourselves to feel or indulge in¨ for fear of not being able to manage all that goodness. Most people do this… especially amazing naturally radiant people.  

Playful, light, fun energy is highly attractive and helps us create amazing lives. We simply create habits and patterns that limit what we take in and who we are willing to be .. or better yet, ho wBIG we are willing to be. Since play is SO attractive, that means we have to be able to tolerate more incoming attention and energy. 

If I had to sum up my work and that which we explore in The Change Militia, it´s really helping people expand their containers so they can be more of themselves and experience more of life aka increasing levels of full. 

Leaders who are light and playful are loved … so are family members, spouses and lovers.

Children and animals are balls of playful energy available for us to receive.

Where are you resisting all the good vibes around you and where are you limiting your light, playful self?

Here’s an experiment:
